BA New Media Production Courses


FMX 210 – Digital Media

Completed Spring 2016

A studio production course that introduces electronic and digital tools for use in diverse media projects. Covers the history, evolution and theory of relevant technology in order to provide context for the hardware and software used in the class.

Credit Hours: 4


FMX 241 – Sound, Image and Motion

Completed Fall 2016

A studio production course that teaches introduction to hands-on digital film production and post-production. Each student will complete a short documentary, narrative and experimental film. Technical instruction will include level-one instruction on non-linear digital editing software and an introduction to HD cameras. Students will be introduced to portable equipment at the cage (including cameras, tripods, audio recording tools and more) and production facilities, including the black box studio space. Class will be comprised of technical demonstrations, in-class shoots and critiques of student work. Basic history, theory and aesthetics of related media are presented.

Credits Hours: 4


ITM 251 – Application Development

Completed Fall 2015

Studies the fundamental concepts of designing and writing computer programs to solve problems. Emphasizes structured programming and object-oriented methods in the .NET environment. Includes Web-based client-server application development using contemporary programming tools.

Credits Hours: 4


MUS 108 – Recording and Electronic Music I

Completed Spring 2017

The course examines the many types and uses of online writing from a rhetorical (that is, audience- and purpose-oriented) perspective. Students will be asked to research, reflect on, and compose in multiple online genres, including blogs, social networking environments, wikis, content management systems, and standalone websites. The final result will be a collection of student writing that reflects rhetorical awareness of audience, purpose, and production for online readers.

Credits Hours: 4


Interdisciplinary Core

COM 346 – Writing for Interactive Media

Completed Fall 2017

This course explores practice and theory of writing for interactive media, including hypertext and hypermedia, narrative games, critical games, and location-based media. May not be used to satisfy general distribution requirements.

Credits Hours: 4


FMX 310 – Creative Coding

Completed Fall 2017

A studio production course that is a continued exploration of graphic and time based tools with emphasis on the creative usage of programming languages. The class will be centered around the interactive manipulation of traditional and experimental time based media and graphics.

Credits Hours: 4


FMX 311 – Online Production

Completed Fall 2018

A studio production course that is an advanced Web design and production class addressing the history and culture of the Internet and exploring the Web as a domain for publication and expression for online producers. Special emphasis is placed on defining the differences between client-side and server-side creations, and how these affect the content and presentation of the information on the Web. It also emphasizes the evolution of multimedia into hypermedia through the use of client/server tools, Web services, programming languages and databases.

Credits Hours: 4


FMX 463 – Multimedia Installation

Completed Fall 2018

A studio production course that introduces students to contemporary multimedia installation through both the study of the cutting-edge practitioners within the field and through the production of related projects. Modes of production covered include digital video projection, audio installation, mixed, virtual and augmented reality, and hybrid combinations of the above.

Credits Hours: 4


ITM 360 – Advanced Application Development

Completed Spring 2018

This course emphasizes advanced programming concepts, development of web-based client server applications and integration of applications with enterprise systems. Topics include contemporary languages and methodologies used in the business community to support interoperable computer-to-computer interaction over a network. Students complete hands-on exercises, expand their personal e-portfolio of professional skills, and participate in an experiential learning project with an outside organization.

Credits Hours: 4


MUS 109 – Recording and Electronic Music II

Completed Spring 2018

A continuing exploration of contemporary electronic music, multi-track recording techniques and the convergence of electronic music with other media in the digital era. Focus is on creative work and studio recording. Survey of contemporary electronic music aesthetics and literature is provided.

Credits Hours: 4


MUS 301 – Interactive Arts Ensemble

Completed Fall 2017

IAE is a performance-driven creative workshop for physical interaction design, real-time video art, experimental musical instrument building, laptop ensembles, mobile phone orchestras and creative repurposing of technology for interdisciplinary performance.

Credits Hours: 1


FMX 499 – Senior Project in FMX

Completed Spring 2019

A studio production mandatory capstone course for Animation, Digital Arts, or New Media majors. Each student will create a creative thesis project in their major area that demonstrates the depth and breadth of their learning, leading to exhibition of this work.  This course is required to be taken in students’ final semester in the program, and that they exhibit and present their thesis work during the scheduled showcase.

Credits Hours: 4


History and Theory

FMX 211 – Art and Technology

Completed Spring 2016

Art and Technology is a course conceived to provide a context for the development of art and its interrelations with technology. Students examine the definition of multimedia and its evolution toward what is currently known as hypermedia. Special emphasis is placed on the creation and transformation of technology used in the 20th century, such as radio, television, computers, the Internet and networked environments. Developments are related to historic art movements.

Credits Hours: 4


COM 323 – Digital Communication and Society

Completed Fall 2018

This course explores the social, political, economic, and cultural effects of emerging communication technologies.  Areas covered include the design and affordances of new technologies, how they are used by consumers and organizations, and how they are addressed by laws, policies, industries, and powerful social and cultural institutions.

Credits Hours: 4



COM 381 – Digital Imaging

Completed Fall 2016

A studio production course that simultaneously explores digital based photography and digital manipulation of imagery. Relevant history, theory and aesthetics of related media are presented, along with discussions of the societal impact that digital imaging has introduced.

Credits Hours: 4


FMX 492 – Independent Study in FMX

Completed Spring 2018

Independent project developed under the guidance of a Film, Animation and New Media instructor.

Credit Hours: 4


FMX 374 – Internship in FMX

Completed Fall 2018 & Spring 2019

Inquiry based on experience working in the related field. Students gain experiential credit for working within the field in a variety of available positions.

Credit Hours: 4


LIT 126 – Literature and Film Classics

Completed Fall 2015

A study of the techniques, history and development of selected literature and film classics. Credits Hours: 4


MUS 102 – Music for Life

Completed Fall 2015

A survey of Western musical thought and the history and evolution of musical forms and styles. Requires attendance at selected music events on campus.

Credits Hours: 3


Communication Minor

COM 224 – Mass Media and Society

Completed Spring 2016

Studies the fundamentals of communication theory to provide a foundation for understanding how the mass media work, how they influence us, how we can analyze them and how we can effectively use them. Students can apply these critical skills to their roles as responsible consumers and communication professionals.

Credit Hours: 4


COM 225 – Media Writing

Completed Fall 2016

An introduction to the principles and practices of writing for major types of mass communication media, with an emphasis on content, engagement, organization, conciseness and clarity. Students learn various styles of writing for print media, social media, broadcast media, the Web, advertising and public relations. This course also discusses the ethical and legal implications of writing for the media.

Credits Hours: 4


COM 232 – Visual Literacy

Completed Spring 2017

It is one of the great ironies of contemporary existence that we are beset, informed, controlled and constructed by images, yet we receive almost no formal training in understanding and creating visual communication. Visual Literacy addresses this issue through interdisciplinary study of the terminology and theory of visual communication, with special emphasis on the relationship of visuality and cultural practice. Considering ideas from art history, photography, film, mass media and cultural studies, students are asked to analyze visual rhetoric, begin to see critically, articulate meaning and author visual rhetoric of their own.

Credits Hours: 4


COM 260 – American Cinema

Completed Fall 2017

A basic introduction to film studies. Surveys the history of American narrative film with an emphasis on the cultural impact of film in society.

Credits Hours: 4


COM 261 – World Cinema

Completed Fall 2017

An examination of world cinema movements.

Credits Hours: 4


COM 242 – Digital Citizenship

Completed Spring 2018

Digital Citizenship teaches digital media production as a means of identity exploration, ethical formation, and civic engagement. Through sound and image capture, editing, and distribution, students will learn to better recognize and more effectively advocate solutions to social problems and thereby develop the necessary skills to go from casual users of contemporary technologies to digital rhetoricians practicing active, engaged citizenship.

Credit Hours: 4